These SimAngus(TM) heifers are the cream of the crop at Cole Cattle Company. Heifers H015 and H024 are sired by the Select Sires AI bull LMF Madison B752, who also topped the 2016 North Alabama BCIA Bull Evaluation. Madison continues to be a calving ease SimAngus(TM) bull in the top 10% for REA and Marbing EPDs. Madison is also the paternal grandsire of heifer H028. The dam of heifer H024 is the maternal grandam of heifer H005, which goes back to Triple M (William Mayfield) breeding. Heifers H015, H024 and H028 are 1/2 Simmental 1/2 Angus, while heifer H005 is 3/4 Simmental 1/4 Angus.
Heifers were time AI'ed to top SimAngus(TM) and Angus bulls to calve in the Fall. They were pasture exposed to the top selling Simmental bull from the 2021 Gibbs Farm Sale, 0345H. This Hooks 6E son is in the top 1% of EPDs for weaning weight, yearling weight and terminal index. He is also in the top 25% for calving ease.
These heifers are registered and can be transferred to the new owner if requested.