Stephens Farms are once again offering a select group of Simmental-Angus heifers from the heart of their keepin' pen.
This tremendous set of SimAngus(TM) heifers are bred, born and raised on the Blackbelt Prairie at Stephens Farm. They are offering one pen of Niagara (AAA 17287387) sired heifers and 3 pens of Madison (ASA 2934717) sired heifers. The pen of 2 Madison sired heifers are full sisters! They were born on the same day as twins and bred on the same day! All heifers were AI bred to the Angus AI sire Tahoe (AAA 17817177) on December 5, 2022 and cleaned up with Tahoe sons. Tahoe is a top 25% calving ease bull in the top 15% for weaning, yearling, milk and REA EPD values. It will be known by sale day whether they are AI bred or bred to a cleanup sire Each of these heifers are structurally correct with volume, capacity and muscling. These heifers are all eligible to be registered with the Simmental Assn. at the buyer's request. Heifers will begin calving in mid-September 2023. |
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